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Why music is important to you?


Generally, music is used a a means of entertainment for everyone. But when you look deeply into the importance of music and the purpose of those who listen to them, you're going to find out, we all listen to different music for varied purposes.

Why is listening to music is important to you and what's your purpose for listening to each different music genre?
Aside from music being a form of entertainment like you already said it, nothing gives me more inspiration like music. Whenever I'm down emotionally, music have the power of lifting me up and make me lively again.
Music is something that is very entertaining to listen to and another reason why I also love music so much is that it is something that touches the soul if you know the kind of music that you are listening to. There are some music that have healing powers especially when you are going through emotional troubles.
The reason why music is always going to be very important to me is because music has always been very inspirational to me. It is something that is always very helpful when it comes to taming my emotions if they are too high, calming me down whenever I am pissed, and always helping me to relax when I want to sleep.