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One childish act you still do?


Do you still have an act which is something that you used to do when you're a kid and you're still doing it now when you have the chance to? I'm talking about playing video games because we all do and games aren't just for kids. I can't resist busting bubble wraps whenever I see one.

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Do you still have an act which is something that you used to do when you're a kid and you're still doing it now when you have the chance to? I'm talking about playing video games because we all do and games aren't just for kids. I can't resist busting bubble wraps whenever I see one.

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It have been so long that I tried playing with bubble wraps and I can't remember that it gives a very great feeling. I still see kids and adults who burst it and it's not a bad thing to do. It's eating of my finger nails I can't stop doing.