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Do you have any allergies?


As a matter of fact, I do have so many food allergies. The newest one which I found out today is being allergic to soya beans oil. I used it to cook yesterday and I started having sore throat and heart burn right after. I'm taking gestid now with Omeprazole 20mg for it now. It's very painful for me with the heart burn.
I'm happy not to have any allergies that I can think of now. I hope it stays the same unless age is going to trigger something when I'm old. I eat whatever u want to eat without any fears.
I'm allergic to cats and bees. I'm very frustrated to be allergic to cats because they are lovely animals but unfortunately I can't keep them. As for bees, I hate them with passion. If it's not that we need their honey, I will say let all of them die out from existence.
Yes, I have sesame allergen for as long as I can remember. A lot of people have this some allergen, it's the most common allergen in the United States. I try as much as possible to avoid anything that's going to trigger it.
No, I don't have any allergies. My health is completely sound. The only allergies which I can say to have is being broke. Whenever I'm out of cash, I feel horrible 😂.
I'm very fortunate not to have any kind of allergies because a lot of my family members are suffering from one allergy to another. This is why they kept taking me for medical check-up to find out the reason why my whole system is completely different from all of them.
I don't have any allergies. I can eat anything that I want. My siblings have one or other allergy when it comes to things that entered their mouth. Our baby sister can't eat chicken because of her allergy and it made me to pity her all the time.
I don't have any allergies. I can eat anything that I want. My siblings have one or other allergy when it comes to things that entered their mouth. Our baby sister can't eat chicken because of her allergy and it made me to pity her all the time.
I always envy those who doesn't have any allergies. They don't know how lucky they are because they can eat whatever they want whenever they want to. I've been out of eating so many food as a result of my allergies.
I don't have any allergies. I can eat anything that I want. My siblings have one or other allergy when it comes to things that entered their mouth. Our baby sister can't eat chicken because of her allergy and it made me to pity her all the time.

Chicken has been my favourite meat. I can eat fried, roasted, and pepper soup chickens as far as it was done in a good way.
I don't have any allergies. I can eat anything that I want. My siblings have one or other allergy when it comes to things that entered their mouth. Our baby sister can't eat chicken because of her allergy and it made me to pity her all the time.
You are very lucky not to have any allergies which makes it very easy for you to eat whatever you want, whenever you want it, without having to worry about having to struggle with any kind of health issues.
You are very lucky not to have any allergies which makes it very easy for you to eat whatever you want, whenever you want it, without having to worry about having to struggle with any kind of health issues.
I am really very lucky to be free from any allergies. The only thing I am working and fighting on is to eat in a good portion in order not to be fat or obese.
You are very lucky not to have any allergies which makes it very easy for you to eat whatever you want, whenever you want it, without having to worry about having to struggle with any kind of health issues.
Having no allergies means that I am very lucky but I am still watching out my weight to avoid being obese or too fat, I need to be moderate too.
I always envy those who doesn't have any allergies. They don't know how lucky they are because they can eat whatever they want whenever they want to. I've been out of eating so many food as a result of my allergies.
My sister also have allergies in some certain foods and I know how it feels. I am good with eating anything I love or like, I am always happy while eating everything.