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When do you get paid?


For those who are working either in a private firm or government ventures, when do you usually get your paycheck? Do they pay you on weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis? I know it's very difficult to see where they pay on daily basis unless it's a kind of manual job.

When do you get paid at work?
My workplace pay all their workers on weekly basis. It's how I like to get paid to be very honest. I wouldn't accept daily pay because I'll end up using up the money.
We are paid in monthly basis in my community here. It's very rare to see employers paying their workers in daily or weekly basis.
I am always paid on weekly basis and it's something that I like so much because it makes it very possible for me to have cash at my disposal at all times whenever I need to make use of it.
I have two kinds of job. The one I do offline and my freelancing online. I get paid at the end of every month in my offline job, while online can be anytime.
I am always paid on weekly basis and it's something that I like so much because it makes it very possible for me to have cash at my disposal at all times whenever I need to make use of it.
It's very hard to see company or stores that paid weekly over here. We normally based on monthly payment. I hope you do save a lot from the weekly payments?
I am always paid on weekly basis and it's something that I like so much because it makes it very possible for me to have cash at my disposal at all times whenever I need to make use of it.

I get paid on a monthly basis, and I believe it is one of the ways that I get to plan myself better to focus on the new week.
I have two kinds of job. The one I do offline and my freelancing online. I get paid at the end of every month in my offline job, while online can be anytime.
I am also working online as a freelancer. I usually get paid about two or three times in a month but as for my regular office job, I usually get paid every two weeks.