Music is amazing and has helped many people through tough times in their life but the major life changes are also something that music can help us through.
How do you believe music can help people through major life changes? What do you feel music offers to help people through those times?
hi, im new here but i believe music has been a massively theraputic part of my life. music triggers parts of the brain to work beyond there means its been shown on fMRI scans.
im severely classic autistic with mild intelectual disability along with a lot of other disabilitys and complex needs (ive wrote it in my biography thing in my profiel to save doiing a intro). ive had official music/sound therapy whilst locked up in a hospital for people with ID and severe chalenging behavior,which meant i was able to cope with louder sounds and music itself,it changed my life for the better as before that,for many years i had not been able to be near a TV with the sound on for example,i was long diagnosed with profound level of hyperacusis, but autism and ID services didnt understand it let alone the developmental audiologists i went to.
for me it was dance music only (like house and all subforms of house that were available back in the early nineties) and rave that brought me into the world of people and alowed me to kind of interact with other people for the first time. i was going to big well known night clubs with my family at 18 years old and later on-2 suport staff woud take me, i tried atending 'discos' for adults with intelectual disability and these were very institutional,usualy someone had a cd player they put the music on and it was all cheesy pop,no alcohol allowed,they let us have a bag of crisps and diet caffeine free drinks... they were patronising us,i wish i coud dhave said give us a break we managed to get to x amount of years so treat us as adults. people with intelectual disability have it drilled into them that they have to listen to pop music-many will like it as adults but its been forced on them for so long. i was lucky i was stealing my sisters cds and got into the prodigy and a awesome DJ called pete tong from around 1993 (i still am a masive fan and i see him DJ at least once a yearr).
i now go clubbing and to warehouse parties and to arenas to watch mainly my favorite DJ play but id love to see dream theater or killswitch play in an ideal world, or system of a down to finaly get back together and do a UK tour as well as everywhere else.
music and sound therapy enabled me to leave that hospital eventualy, although i got sent back for 4 months,but i wasnt kept there for longer than a few months and eventualy i was able to leave and actualy live in the comunity! i was able to watch tv with the sound on,listen to music i love etc.
now days im DJing (used to vinyl DJ back in 1999 now i use pioneer controlers and virtualDJ pro with a pro subscription and host my mixes on a mix website.
i listen to hours of dance music every day,i buy all my DJ music off beatport.