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Have you ever broken a musical instrument?


It's not something everyone does but I do know that there have been stories of people getting so frustrated when learning to play an instrument, they have somehow broken the instrument that they were using meaning they were no longer able to play the instrument.

I myself have never gotten so angry that I have broken an instrument.

Have you ever broken a musical instrument whether it be on purpose or by accident?
I can't remember breaking any musical instruments that I have played or looked after. I'm always very careful when it comes to working with any musical instruments because they are very expensive and I don't want to incur any unnecessary expenses for myself.
Piano is the only musical instrument that I play frequently. I am very careful when it comes to handling my piano because I know how expensive it is for me when I bought it.

I've ever damaged any musical instrument before because I've never been careless with playing anyone.
No, I've never broken any musical instruments as far as I can remember. I've always handled all my musical instruments with care because I know how expensive I purchased them. Inflation have made a lot of things to be very expensive.
Yes, I have broken a musical instrument once when I was still a teenager. It was in my church where we used to play band. I was practicing one day but unfortunately used my drumming stick to damage the band.
Yes, I have broken a musical instrument once when I was still a teenager. It was in my church where we used to play band. I was practicing one day but unfortunately used my drumming stick to damage the band.
Let me guess, you were still a newbie then when you broke the drum. I've seen a lot of guys who play drums do the same thing. How do guys cope with your wrist?
I remembered when I was still learning how to play musical instruments, though I specialized on learning keyboard and I was too enthusiastic to arrange the instruments before our teacher will come.

When I was bringing out the keyboard from the store, it fall off from my hand and some of the keys popped open showing that it needs some maintenance. The kind of fear that I had that moment made me to be sick immediately, I was relieved when our teacher told me that I am forgiven.