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Do you still use Mp3 to play music?


I can never forget the good old days when Mp3 was king when it comes to how we played our music especially when we are not watching on TV. I had mine right until 5 years ago before I stopped using it because I was finding it stressful to keep updating the songs in it.

Do you still have your Mp3 player?
Nope, I've grown over using that music tech. It's like having two music tech at the same time with my smartphone. I stream all my songs using my smartphone. There's no need for me to still have any use for Mp3 device.
It has been ages since I made use of MP3 player when it comes to playing any kind of music that I want to play. I can remember those days when it was one of the best tech that you can ever have as a teenager growing up. I don't make use of it right now because I'm making use of Spotify to stream my music.
I cannot remember the last time I made use of MP3 player to play any music because it is something that I used years ago when I was still a teenager.

I know that there are still some people that might still be making use of it but it is something that I don't even know where I kept my own today.
I'm very sure that if I looked for my Mp3 long enough, I would still be able to find it somewhere in one of my boxes. I no longer play with it but it's still in my house somewhere.