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Do you live close to your family?


Adulthood and the need to become independent have driven most people to live away from their parents. They do this with the plan of starting their own family. It's few that still end up staying with their family and start up their own family.

Do you live close to your parents?
If my parents are still alive, I bet you that I will still be living with them. I feel that's one of the things I will like to do so as to experience what it means to live with one's parents. I didn't have the opportunity to live with them, mom died while I was a baby and I couldn't stay with dad because we are living in different states and I was living with an aunt.

Sometimes, I envy those that live with their parents. I feel like asking them questions on how they relate with them; apart from having morning devotion as family, do they make jokes together, do they discuss as family, do mum join children to laugh at dad, do dad have favourite among his children and many more questions.
My family is the most important thing in my life which is why everything I do always revolves around them. There is no way I am going to choose the option of staying very far away from my family. This is because that is going to make it very unbearable for me. I live together with them, I work and come back every day to see their beautiful faces because they are all that matters to me.