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Do you listen to music when working out?


Working out is a big habit of mine because it helps me to keep fit and healthy all the time. I would never be comfortable adding unnecessary weight which is why I workout out 3x in a week.

Whenever I'm working, playing music is a must as it helps to make my workout sessions lively. I can play with speakers or with my headset. The music motivates me to keep it up and not give into the pains which would make me quit.
Working out without music will be very boring. You're going to get tired quickly. I would never workout with no music playing either in the background or with either my headset or airpods.
They always played music in the gym where I workout, so I don't have to worry about bringing my own music. I always play whenever I'm working out at home.
Working out is a very energetic exercise which is why listening to music whenever you are engaging in carrying out such exercise is something that is very good because it is going to help your body to adapt to whatever workout drills that you are putting yourself through. I cannot work out without listening to music.
Yes of course, I play music all the time whenever I'm working out. I even play music almost all the time, so it's only normal that I play too whenever I'm exercising too.
I've not been to the gym in more than 10 years. I lost interest in working out and it's been affecting me for a while now. I will try and get back to the gym as soon as possible. I'm way over 270 pounds weight now.
It has been a long time that I stopped working out but the time when I was still actively doing it, I always have music playing with my MP3 that is with a loudspeaker. I don't normally make use of headset whenever I'm working out.