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Do you know how to drive?

No. When I had the time, I didn't have the money and when I had the money I didn't have the time. I probably wouldn't be able to drive anyway due to coordination issues.
Driving is no longer a challenging test today. When we now have self driving cars, although it's not everyone that have started using it but time shall come when there wouldn't be any need for one to learn how to drive.
Technology had made things easy. There was a time when electric car and automatic isn't out yet, people were still learning with difficulty how to drive the manual cars. Times will come when remote will be operating everything for us including cars.
I don't know how to drive at the moment. I am currently working towards making it easier for me to drive. I know that learning would go a long way for me.
Yes, it's very important to put in good effort into your training because if you don't get it right, they will not pass your driving test and deny you license. It can be very painful and annoying when you fail your test.