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Do you know how to drive?


Active member
I have failed my driving test three times now and it's making me feel depressed already. I don't want to fail it for the 4th time, otherwise I'm going to give up on getting my driver's license. I believe that I know how to drive well but I keep failing the damn test 😡.
I know how to drive very and I already have my driver's license for more than 12 years now. It's subject to renewal every 5 years here in my country. I'm not sure how long it stays to be renewed in another country.
I know how to drive but I don't like driving myself. It's too stressful for me honestly. It's actually why I'm so interested in the Telsa Self Driving cars. I'm certainly buying the car.
I have played a lot of car racing video and it helped me with knowing how to drive. The knowledge helped me when I went for driving lessons. There's no car that I can't drive.
I do know how to drive, yes. I have been driving now for around 10 years and it took me three attempts to pass my test it was very frustrating but I stuck at it and I managed to pass.

I can fully understand why you are frustrated as you feel in yourself that you can drive but you keep making silly mistakes that are causing you to fail. Are you feeling nervous during your test? This could be one of the reasons you may be making a mistake. Have you tried to do anything before your test to help calm your nerves?
I have taken tests and I know how to drive but I have unfortunately failed my test a few times. The last time I failed my test I also started having a lot of health issues and since then, I have not gone back to driving due to those health issues. I would like to go back driving and hopefully do a test and pass but when I do I am hoping to do automatic as I feel that would be better for me with the health issues I suffer with.
I do know how to drive. I passed my test around 5 years ago now and I have been driving ever since. I will admit that even though I know how to drive, with some of the drivers that we have on the road nowadays, it can be quite daunting sometimes even as a driver who has been driving for some years to even be on the road.

I would be stuck without my car though especially for things such as shopping and also going out on day trips with family.
I don't know or understand how it's difficult for some people to master how to drive. There's nothing difficult in it no matter how much I try to look at it. You just get in there, start the car, put the car in drive and off you go, then control your turning and speed. How's that's any difficulty?
Driving is no longer a challenging test today. When we now have self driving cars, although it's not everyone that have started using it but time shall come when there wouldn't be any need for one to learn how to drive.
Every adult is supposed to know how to drive in my personal perspective unless the person is challenged physically. The reason why I say all adult should know how to drive is should have an emergency deep in the night which needs you to drive your wife to the hospital probably cos she pregnant, you ought to know how to drive her and not start looking for a driver by 12am.
How can I not know how to drive? Every man should know how to drive. It's one of the basic things you're meant to know especially when you're married with kids.

I learnt how to drive when I was in my early 20's. I can even drive big trucks.
Yes, I know how to drive and I can be able to drive any car including heavy trucks. I started driving at the age of 21 years old and I only went for my driving lessons twice to pass it and I was giving my driving certificate or license.
Good news guys because I have been able to pass my driving test and I can drive my own car without having to worry about not having my driver's licence. This test took me a very long time before I was able to pass it and I'm very happy about it.
I was taught on how to drive by my friend but I haven't gone for the main driving lesson. I can drive in the field or the play ground but I can't come out yet on the road.
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I was taught on how to drive by my friend but I haven't gone for the main driving lesson. I can drive in the field or the play ground but I can't come out yet on the road.
You need to go for your test driving in order to master it very well. It's good to know how to drive because of the need it solves for you when something comes up. It's truck 🚚 that I want to learn how to drive now.
Good news guys because I have been able to pass my driving test and I can drive my own car without having to worry about not having my driver's licence. This test took me a very long time before I was able to pass it and I'm very happy about it.

Congratulation on being able to pass your driving test and now waiting to have your driver's license. Make sure you get your license before you start driving so you don't get yourself into trouble.
You need to go for your test driving in order to master it very well. It's good to know how to drive because of the need it solves for you when something comes up. It's truck 🚚 that I want to learn how to drive now.
I am not ready yet but I will plan to go for test driving so that I will master driving very well.

I haven't have the courage to stand whenever I see a truck coming.
I don't know how to drive at the moment. I am currently working towards making it easier for me to drive. I know that learning would go a long way for me.
I don't know or understand how it's difficult for some people to master how to drive. There's nothing difficult in it no matter how much I try to look at it. You just get in there, start the car, put the car in drive and off you go, then control your turning and speed. How's that's any difficulty?
As it's very sweet when you are typing it doesn't mean it is sweet while doing it. People need to master driving because you can't just carry a car and start driving which if you do, you are heading to your grave.
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Every adult is supposed to know how to drive in my personal perspective unless the person is challenged physically. The reason why I say all adult should know how to drive is should have an emergency deep in the night which needs you to drive your wife to the hospital probably cos she pregnant, you ought to know how to drive her and not start looking for a driver by 12am.
Yeah, every adult needs to know how to drive and it's understandable but you know also that not every adult can afford a car. What if emergency calls and the adult doesn't have a car of his own?