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Do you drink alcohol?

Ja sa bong

I wonder how I'm going to live without drinking alcoholic drinks once in a while? It's going to be at least every weekend, I would have time out with my friends and enjoy myself. I know some people don't take alcoholic drinks because of their health issues. I hope I don't see myself in such predicament.
I used to be an alcoholic because I drink every day and I don't have a brand. But over the years, I started working on my addiction and I'm proud to say that I'm no longer an alcoholic today. I drink on rare occasions now.
My father used to be very addicted to drinking alcohol and I had a very bad experience growing up under his alcoholic influence which is why I try as much as possible to stay away from taking alcohol now in my life because I don't want to have the same experience my father did.
Yes, I do take alcoholic drinks. What's a weekend without alcohol? It's the only time I get to enjoy time with my friends. We normally club on weekends especially on Saturday's. Sunday's we crash course and rest for getting back to work on Monday.
No, I don't drink anything alcoholic. The first time I tried it, I vomited the whole day. I think I'm allergic to alcoholic drinks. I only drink energy drinks like Red Bull, Bullet or Monster Energy Drink.
I used to engage in drinking of alcoholic beverages very often some years ago but after I started developing ulcer, I had to stop taking alcohol. This is because it always aggravates the ulcer and makes it very painful for me.
There is no big deal in drinking of alcohol, the only important thing is for you too take alcoholic drinks moderately so that you don't abuse it in a way it is going to be dangerous for your health.
I don't take alcohol because I don't like it. I always go for yoghurt or any chocolate beverages than alcohol. I have tasted it before when I was curious to know what it was and how it taste.
I don’t drink alcohol. It makes me sick and it tastes awful
If your body rejected alcohol, it is better for you too not force it because it will keep making you feel horrible and even sick whenever you end up taking it.

I know a lot of people who alcohol affects that way and that is why they abstained from alcoholic beverage completely.
If your body rejected alcohol, it is better for you too not force it because it will keep making you feel horrible and even sick whenever you end up taking it.

I know a lot of people who alcohol affects that way and that is why they abstained from alcoholic beverage completely.
But there are some people that will still force themselves to take alcohol even when they know that their body doesn't accept it. They are just taking it for drinking sake.
I don't take alcohol and I don't think that I am going to start doing it right now. I just enjoy taking juice and other soft drinks.
I don't take alcohol and I don't think that I am going to start doing it right now. I just enjoy taking juice and other soft drinks.
If it is possible for me to quit drinking alcoholic beverages, by now I would have stopped but unfortunately it is something that I have been addicted to. But I wouldn't say it is too much because I am still watchful of my health.
I don't take alcohol and I don't think that I am going to start doing it right now. I just enjoy taking juice and other soft drinks.
There are some ladies that love alcoholic beverages and they ain't apologetic about it. I am good with water and a little bit of juice.