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Music Therapy, anyone?


Staff member
My therapist also uses it as a form of "alternative" therapy. I listen to a piece and discuss with her in session. Very relaxing and useful for patients with mental disabilities.
I know very well that music is very good when it comes to therapy. Anything that can have an impact on your emotions can serve as a therapy. Whenever I'm sad, if I listen to some music, I feel better.
Music has always been inspirational. It is capable of changing my mood from feeling down and depressed to feeling lively and very good. It is something that I know that have a very unique power in helping to work on my psychology more than how visiting a therapist is going to work on me.
I am someone who believes in music therapy very well because music have been very helpful to me in so many ways that I have never imagined.

I can remember when I was passing through depression and there were some set of music that I used to listen to which helped me so much during that trying time.
I am someone who believes in music therapy very well because music have been very helpful to me in so many ways that I have never imagined.

I can remember when I was passing through depression and there were some set of music that I used to listen to which helped me so much during that trying time.
Me too, I always listen to classical. Personally, I find that it calms me.
I love listening to any kind of music genre except for heavy metal because they are too lousy. I can't seem to find anything to enjoy in that kind of music but the rest is entertaining.
I listen to rap songs every morning. It is one great way to motivate myself for the activities of the day and to stay focused on it. I don't bother much with getting along with any other genre of music as rap songs are enough for me.