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Who's your favourite music reviewer?


Active member
Music review is something that's very useful to understand where the music didn't meet expectations and for the artist to know how to improve in his next songs.

There are so many music reviewers out there but if you're to choose who's the best one for you based on his music critics, who's going to be your guy?
My favourite music reviewer is definitely the best one Anthony Fantano. I'm not sure if there's ever been any music reviewers that's up to his levels. He's an American music critic and is very good at his job.
My favourite music reviewer is definitely the best one Anthony Fantano. I'm not sure if there's ever been any music reviewers that's up to his levels. He's an American music critic and is very good at his job.
You're right about Anthony Fantano. He's a great YouTuber with so much work he's done to review both music and movies too. I watched his review last month on Mac DeMarco : One Wayne G ALBUM. You can watch it in the YouTube video if you missed it.

You're right about Anthony Fantano. He's a great YouTuber with so much work he's done to review both music and movies too. I watched his review last month on Mac DeMarco : One Wayne G ALBUM. You can watch it in the YouTube video if you missed it.

I must admit that this Anthony Fantano work on music review looks interesting and well detailed. But in all honesty, I have never bothered about watch or reading about music reviews like it's something very serious. I don't have any good reason to follow on that.
I don't have any particular person who reviews music that I followed. What I normally do is to review whatever I'm listening to by myself because it's the same way they are going to a evaluate whatever have been produced by someone is the same way that I'm going to do it. So, I don't really need their help in reviewing any music, I can easily do it by myself.