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What really matters to you when listening to a song?


Staff member
There are some features you look forward to when you listen to music. It could be the melody, the voice, the instrumentals and the lyrics. For me it is lyrics. If the lyrics do not appeal to me I find it hard to like other features as well.
What would you say matters to you when listening to a song?
The artist voice doesn't have much then to do for me in any song that I'm listening to but the lyrics. It is what I pay more attention to because that is where the message of the music is found.
The voice, melody, instruments and the lyrics are the things I always look forward to whenever I am listening to music. If these things ain't in order, the song won't make sense.
The way such a song is produced matters so much to me. If it's not done in a way that I'm going to peacefully enjoy the song, I don't think I'm ever going to like it. The lyrics and instruments used to make it plays an important part too.