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What is the best way to improve your musical ear?


New member
If singing poses a challenge, you can still develop a musical ear through these approaches:

  1. Focused Listening: Start by actively listening to music. Pay attention to elements like rhythm, melody, and harmony. Choose a few songs and try to identify the instruments used.
  2. Use Technology: Leverage ear training apps that guide you through recognizing pitches and intervals without requiring you to sing. These apps often provide feedback to help you improve.
  3. Play Along: If you play an instrument, use it to accompany recordings. This can help you connect sounds with notes, even if singing is difficult.
  4. Break It Down: Focus on small sections of music. Listen to a few seconds at a time, and try to identify melodies or rhythms before moving on.
  5. Practice with Simple Songs: Choose easy songs that you enjoy. Listen repeatedly and try to tap along to the beat or hum the melody, even if you can’t hit all the notes perfectly.
  6. Join Classes: Consider enrolling at institutions like Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, which offers structured Indian vocal music education that can enhance your understanding and appreciation of music.
  7. Record Yourself: If you feel comfortable, record yourself trying to sing or play. Listening back can help you identify areas for improvement without the pressure of performing live.
Remember, developing a musical ear takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself!
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Recording my self is something that I used to do very well when I was still a kid. I'm sure that if I looked hard enough, I am still going to be able to find cassette that we used back in the days to record ourselves singing some of the rap and hip hop song that was very popular then. It is a very good way to learn.