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Love or Loyalty?


Active member
I know that everyone of us understand what love and loyalty is all about, the demands they both ask from who gives and whom it's given to.

Which one would you have over the other between love and loyalty? What's your reason for the one that you choose?
Simply put, I don't believe in love. So, it's going to tell you that I don't have any business with love. I'm all in for loyalty because that's what's real.
Simply put, I don't believe in love. So, it's going to tell you that I don't have any business with love. I'm all in for loyalty because that's what's real.
Do you think that there is a way for you to have loyalty in relationship without having love or having love in relationship without having loyalty.
It's difficult to get both love and loyalty in one person. If you manage to see anyone who's capable of both in love and loyalty, make sure you do everything humanly possible to keep that person.
Loyalty often goes hand in hand with love. Well, trust is a big thing in relationships including romantic ones. If you are loyal, then you build trust, and that builds love.
It's difficult to get both love and loyalty in one person. If you manage to see anyone who's capable of both in love and loyalty, make sure you do everything humanly possible to keep that person.
This I couldn't agree with more! It is very difficult to find both in one person and it is also very rare. There are very few people that will have both love and loyalty but when you do find them I would without a doubt ensure you do all you can to keep them as if you lose them, you may never find anyone like that again.
Love and loyalty are two things that are very rare that you can find in a person. If you find someone who has both I would keep a tight hold of them. I wouldn't say I prefer one or the other but I prefer both even to a small extent.
Love and loyalty are two things that are very rare that you can find in a person. If you find someone who has both I would keep a tight hold of them. I wouldn't say I prefer one or the other but I prefer both even to a small extent.
I can't remember the last time I would say that I have seen or dealt with someone whom I would regard as being loyal. Everyone is now too selfish to only be interested in looking out for their interest at the expense of others. It's quite a sad world we live in now.
Loyalty often goes hand in hand with love. Well, trust is a big thing in relationships including romantic ones. If you are loyal, then you build trust, and that builds love.
Love can't come when there's no loyalty first. It's loyalty that breed a good ground for love to grow. If love comes before loyalty is established, it will never last.
When there's loyalty, love comes naturally. You won't have to beg for it. It's why I'm very critical about being loyal and having it in return from anyone I give it to.
Unfortunately, I have had so many bad experience when it comes to love and relationship which have practically made it impossible for me to believe that love is something that is worth fighting for.

I would be very comfortable with having someone who is loyal to me than someone who is telling me anything about being in love or relationship.
When there's loyalty, love comes naturally. You won't have to beg for it. It's why I'm very critical about being loyal and having it in return from anyone I give it to.

A lot of people don't understand how important it is for you to have someone who is loyal to you in your relationship. Loyalty in relationship is always going to put the person you are in love with first before any other thing. It takes away selfishness in relationship.
Loyalty comes with love but plain love might lack loyalty. This is why I crave loyal people in my life because they are the people who will move heaven and earth to support.
Loyalty first before love.. I will first of all be loyal to whoever that I am in a relationship with and same goes to my partner. If I didn't see your loyalty and you are shouting that you love me up and down, I won't hesitate to keep you where selfish people are kept.

Anyway, loyalty breeds love. You can't be loyal to someone without loving them.
I like to guide my ways via Christian prayer and obedience. I can't really control the future. Well, unpredictable things happen even to good Christians, but I think things are a lot more controlled. That's why they say certain people are blessed vs being cursed.
It is loyalty for me. I want to stay loyal, and that is on basic. I don't want a situation where I am focused on loving someone when the loyalty is not even there. It can never work well for me at all.
It is loyalty for me. I want to stay loyal, and that is on basic. I don't want a situation where I am focused on loving someone when the loyalty is not even there. It can never work well for me at all.
Finding people who are loyal today is something that is very difficult which is why if you are fortunate to have someone who is loyal to you, you should make sure that you do everything possible to keep that person for a very long time. This is because they are very hard to come by now.
It is loyalty for me. I want to stay loyal, and that is on basic. I don't want a situation where I am focused on loving someone when the loyalty is not even there. It can never work well for me at all.
Loyalty is for both partners. Loyalty is what hold a relationship or marriage to be firm couple with commitment and love. Proving your love to your partner without staying loyal is not love at all.
To me finding someone who is loyal to you is hard and most of the time love is just easier for people.
Love is never easier this day and before you can find who loves you without material possessions, it's always hard. I advise myself and others too, love genuinely before you start looking for loyalty.