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Have you ever felt lost in a song?


Staff member
Not lost literally, but when you listen to the song you feel separated from the rest of the world. You feel as if you are being sucked into the world of that particular music, and you don’t often get a completed hold until it’s over.

Do you feel that way sometimes?
I always feel absorbed in any song that I am listening to. It is like a different world that I'm transversing into which is why I pay so much attention to music because they are always inspirational for me.
This is how any music I am listening to always have me arrested because I make sure to pick out the right music that will have a better positive impact on my life when I am playing them.
If it's a good song and have a cool beat, I will be overwhelmed and deep listening to it. Sometimes I will be so interested and closing my eyes, forgetting what's around me, play the song on repeat till I get enough of the song.