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Do you think reggae is dying?

Ja sa bong

I have been a bit concerned about what's going on with the reggae genre. Almost all the reggae artist's music I'm listening to are either dead or not in good health to produce new songs. The one's that still manages to release songs doesn't produce anything close to what we have seen in reggae years ago.

What's going with reggae? Are we witnessing the end of it?
You have a good point with your assessment because even with the way I go about playing reggae, I mostly play the old reggae songs and a few of the new ones. This means that the older songs had more uniqueness and makes more sense unlike what they sing now.
Good old reggae songs are way better. I don't think that I have any current reggae songs which appeal to me. I haven't bothered about adding any of them in my Spotify playlist. They are all just full of garbage.
I'm not that much of a reggae fan, I can't really say whether the music genre is dying or not but I don't think it's going to die off soon. There are so many great reggae artist that won't let the music genre die.
Reggae isn't dying from the last time I checked, it's still one of most popular music genre. Younger musicians are not taking the reggae path which show they're helping to propagate the music genre.
Those who enjoy listening to reggae are very unique kind of audience because they don't normally like to mingle with other kind of music since they are practically different from what they enjoy in reggae music. For that reason, I don't think we are ever going to see the end of reggae music.