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I'm not sure if I have seen Lil Wayne collaboration with Ememin? They are arguably the best in rap music. If they have produced any song together, I would be interested in seeing that happen because I'm sure the song is going to be full of fire.
This is something we won't truly know for sure because he's dead already. Also, music have evolved over the years, I think that time will come when he's not going to matter that much. Look at the likes of Boney M and Co, they stopped mattering for a while.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with what's done there. It's not an overkill because I have seen worst than this in some other songs that's been released by some artists.
I have seen some band name that sounds weird but they have great songs. I don't think it's the name that matters but what they produce under their band name. Take a look at The Beatles, how does the name sound? Not so good but what have they done under the name?
My uncle introduced me to rock band songs and it happened to be The Beatles. It's how my love for rock and roll band songs grew from that day till now. I still get the vibes whenever I play The Beatles band songs.
It's punishment for someone to be forced to listen to only one artist for the rest of their lives. You will be missing out on a lot of songs, I would like to be in such situations. Only Ememin would be one rapper I would be interested in listening to all my life.
I'm seeing this kind of musical instrument for the first now, so I haven't been able to play it since I don't know of its existence. But it looks interesting and I would like to give it a try should I be able to come in contact with it.
I still buy vinyl records whenever I have seen a good song on it. It's not everything I see on vinyl I would take up and pay for me. There are some trash songs too on vinyl records too which is why I'm selective of the one's I buy.
If your album title isn't peaked, it's going to affect how it sells. It's why musicians choose one of their best songs in their album to be the name of the album. With that particular song being a hit song, it's going to have it being on the lips of everyone which will make it well known and...
It's the era of The Beatles. There's so much they brought to the rock band music genre. No one who loves rock wouldn't be in love with what The Beatles contributed to the growth of rock band songs.
I was born in 1985. There were so many great hits singles back at the time which would be difficult to type in all of them. I'm going to upload a chart of the list, if there's one those born in 1985 doesn't agree to, let me know.
There are so many of great songs used in the TV show Supernaturals. Even with all the demons, nasty beast, and all the killings, the production team found a way to get good songs that rhymes with each event that took place in the show. It was like heartbreaking music that played when Dean died.
COVID ruined a lot of things we used to do for fun. It's been a while since I went to any music festivals and it's all because they barely host any now as a result of fear of exposure to COVID. I hope they will manage to host one this year because I wouldn't want to miss it.
I would have to agree with on this. Whenever you're heartbroken, love and romantic songs should be the last music you should be listening to because it's capable of making you feel worst.
There are so many of them I can start listing from now till tomorrow. Some of my favorite are ; TLC, Spice Girls, Destiny's Child, The Supreme, The Shirelles, The Pointer Sisters and The Pussycat Dolls.
Chumbawamba: Tubthumping that was released in 1997 was one hit wonder that rocked so hard. Fans of the anarchist collectives had something worthwhile. Only if they had more songs afterwards, it would have been nice.
I wouldn't say he's the greatest because he uses other experts to produce his songs. But he's among the best no doubt about it. I've watched all his live performances and they are very entertaining.
Working out without music will be very boring. You're going to get tired quickly. I would never workout with no music playing either in the background or with either my headset or airpods.
I don't have the PC power to mine any cryptocurrency. I don't believe it's possible to mine any cryptocurrency on your smartphone. I have tried using CryptoTab browser years ago because it's said to help you mine cryptocurrency from using it but it's all a hoax.
I wonder how men who don't drink alcoholic beverages cope? There are times when you need to get high a little in order to enjoy some moment. Any bar I go to and they are not playing music, I'm leaving as soon as possible.