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How long would it took you to lose interest in a song?


It usually depends on how good a song is for me that's going to determine how long it's gonna take before it starts to bore me. If the song is very good, it may takes months before it fades for me but if it's not that good, maybe 1 week, I'm done with it.
I only need to listen to any music once. If the music didn't meet my expectations, I will lose interest in it immediately. The music is going to bore me to death which will make me hate it.
I only need to listen to any music once. If the music didn't meet my expectations, I will lose interest in it immediately. The music is going to bore me to death which will make me hate it.
Once the song isn't what I expected, there's no way I would play it for the second time. There's no second chances from me to songs. This is why I don't rush play any song. I'll take time to enjoy it or discard if it's below expectations.
Personally, I don't need to play any song over and over again to know it's not for me because it's not up to my expectations. The first track is all I need to make my decision.