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What's the most unique music you've listened to?


I've literally listened to hundreds of thousands of songs to know some of them that are unique and some of them which are just average songs. But when I think of songs that are unique, it's mostly folk songs. Botswana happens to be the best part of the world that is exceptional when it comes to folk songs. They deliver the best unique folk songs I've ever listened to.
What are appreciate so much when it comes to the music I listen to is the dance steps that are used by the musician and those who produced the song with him or her together. Once the dancing that is using the music is very entertaining, I am always going to enjoy it. It's like what I watched in Who Runs the World by Beyoncé.
There are many unique songs out there. I can't number them all but I have listened to many of them. I love Beyonce songs but the unique one among them to me is 'Man Down'. It was a great song.